Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend shopping!!

So I knew that my coupons where about to be died so I had to use them!
I got them all for 3.00 with a 2.50/1 coupon from SS
so I got them for .50 each!!
Total out of pocket 20.00 plus tax
Saved 70.00 total!!

Pop tarts 1.52 a box $.75/1 coupon and five $.55 coupon coupon and 1.00/2 from SS = 2.95 for 10 boxes!!!
Lysol 4-1 spray 1.69 $1.00/1 on bottle =.69 x1
Suave body wash 1.50 $.50/1 on bottle and .50 from SS =.50 x1
Softsoap Hand pump 5.00 not sure how the guy did it but I got 4 pumps and 4 refills (free with coupon on bottle) all for =5.00
Softsoap body wash 2.99 $2.00/ and target in store coupon on bottle 1.00 =FREE
Colgate total 2.29 $1.00/1 SS and found target coupon 1.00/1 = .29
Q-Tips = 1.74 x1
Dog Food 4.26 = Free
Spy gear game 75% off = 2.48
Hot wheels toy 75 % off =5.48
Transformers 3.99 with BOGO = 4.00 for two
I Carley game 75% off =3.74
Total out of pocket 26.87
after Kellogg's rebate 16.87
Total saved 69.49 !!!

If you can find a store that dose double coupons and 10/10.00 this will work.
I got all ten boxes for 6.94 after taxes
$.75/3 do three times my store gave me 1.00/3

Lysol 1.69 $1.00/1 on bottle = .69 each

Kellogg's pop tarts 1.52 box $.75/1 coupon and 4 $.55 coupon = 5.50 for all 10 boxes

Softsoap hand pumps 5.00 3 pumps and 3 refills (free with coupon on hand soap) but what ever the guy did that I cashed out with I ended with a= profit 4.50

Body wash 3 = FREE

Degree 1.12 (Travel size) 1.00/1 = .12 each

Edge shave cream 2.76 .75/1 1.00/1 =1.01

Dog food = Free

Sharpie .99 1.00/1 =Free

Total 3.88 before tax

Total saved 65.17

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